General discussion of scambaiting. Please read the forum rules HERE
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Original Eater Join Date: 13 Apr 2004

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Post by Rover » Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:22 am

419Eater Forum Rules
Read this before you post anything on this board.


General posting guidelines

  • Some bad language is acceptable (to a point) but please keep it to a minimum. Plainly abusive images and posts will be deleted without notification.
  • Because of their divisive nature, discussions of religion or politics are forbidden. Topics or posts about either will be locked and/or deleted.
  • Private messages are just that, private. If you receive a private message, do not repeat it in the open forums without the permission of the person who sent it.
  • If you have a personal vendetta against someone, first of all, why? If you must continue this blood feud, try to confine your arguments via email or the Board's PM system. Personal attacks on the Board will not be tolerated, no matter who is right or wrong.
  • Please respect your fellow poster. If they ask a question or make a post you consider to be a 'newbie' post, don't flame them for it. Rather, offer assistance and take the opportunity to show off how smart you are. Remember, you were a newbie once too.
  • Please do not post individual scam letters in the Main forums unless they are really something extraordinary. Most members have set up special 'catcher accounts' and receive literally hundreds of scam letters per day. If you have surplus scam letters you cannot handle, but really should not go to waste, please post them to ScamWarners after reading some quick posting guidelines here.
  • Moderators (those happy people with the dark green names) have the privilege of locking threads, deleting posts, giving members the status of "WARNED", and suspending members. "Mods" also serve to keep the Board content consistent and uncluttered. Please do not start threads about closed or deleted threads. If you have a problem with any of the Moderators' decisions, send a PM to the moderator in question. If you absolutely cannot resolve your issue with the moderating team, PM a forum Admin (bware or Ghost -- both have bright red names) or the principal Administrator (Rover - he's red, too -- some say even redder!).
  • Don't post just to post. Post count has absolutely zero relevance on this board. Only the quality, not the quantity, of your posts can make you or break you in this community. Some of our most valuable members post the least. Posts in 'General Chat' do not count toward your post count.
  • Do not post someone's personal address, phone number or other personal information without their consent. This applies to both members' and victims' information. Of course this does not apply to any information you have on the scammers. If you do come across victim information, consider forwarding it to a Mod or Admin, and/or visit our sister site: ScamWarners and ask for assistance.
  • Please do not post things easily abused by the scammers. This is a public board and scammers can and do visit occasionally. So, no passport templates, no guides to document forgery, etc. Use common sense here. Try to keep your valuables in PM.
  • If you post or link to something that is not safe for viewing at work (or near children, etc.), please indicate so in your thread title or above your link with the notation NSFW.
  • While we do not allow posting links for the purposes of promotion (see below), there are times when it is necessary to share videos of lads, sound files, input forms, etc. Please keep in mind the following regarding the posting of links and externally hosted baiting content to 419Eater:
    • Include the site name in the link so baiters know where they are going. For example, write "Check out my call with this lad posted to YouTube" instead of "Check out my call with this lad here".
    • If your content is hosted to any site where people login (Facebook, Google Drive, etc.) you must include a reminder to logout of real life profiles before clicking the links.
      • Social media sites are notorious for tracking / linking this information
      • LinkedIn, for example, shows users the name of every person who views a profile.If you viewed a lad's fake LinkedIn page while logged in, they saw your real life page.
      • Facebook logs all visits and uses them for recommendations. There have been cases where baiting characters were given other baiter's real life Facebook profiles as friend suggestions because the other baiter viewed the page while logged into their real Facebook.
      • The last thing we need are people's RL and baiting profiles being mixed up and/or exposed.
    • Links to monetized YouTube channels or other sites that are monetized are not allowed.
    • Links to sites that contain other videos where people's information may be exposed are not allowed. For example, do not host your baits on your personal YouTube channel.
    • Subject to moderator approval, baiters can also host lad audio and videos on the 419 Eater channel on YouTube . PM any moderator with details on any file you would like added.
    • Links posted for the purpose of promoting a channel, service, website etc. rather than as a legitimate and necessary venue to share baiting content will be removed.
  • Don't feed the troll. Either ignore it, give it some household tips, or alert a Moderator.
  • Please avoid thread necromancy (that is: posting in a thread that has been inactive for several weeks). Old threads have usually little relevance, anymore. Also, members that posted in it may no longer be around. If you want to bring up an old discussion because you have something of value to add, post a new thread and put a link to the old thread. Then, people do not have to read through all the old posts to see what is new.
  • Here at Eater, signatures are used to show off and inform, but only in the spirit of baiting. Lad insults and threats, icons and links to helpful tools, threads and information are welcome. If you're thinking about putting something in your signature that doesn't deal with baiting, please reconsider. As with posts, Moderators and Admins retain the right to edit your signature without notice (although we try to give you the benefit of the doubt).
  • If you see something offensive posted on any of the forums, click the 'report this post to a moderator' link at the bottom right of the post. Please don't abuse this feature and use it to drag the Moderator into any personal dispute you may have. If you must fight, and again, we wish you wouldn't, keep those hidden away in PMs or emails.
  • If you have any comments or questions, feel free to PM any Moderator. Try to avoid sending general inquiry PM's directly to Rover as he is already a very busy man.
  • The Moderators can create additional rules and guidelines specific forums. Those are in addition to these rules and guidelines, so keep an eye on stickies and announcements in the various forums.
  • Please do not abuse the 'quote' function when replying to posts unless it is necessary to clarify the point being made. When answering a post directly above yours, there is generally no reason to quote the previous post, unless it is to include a specific clip. Where a 'quote' is required to accentuate or clarify something regarding your response, please edit out all that is not required. This will keep the thread clean to read and save on disk space. Avoid 'double-posting' as well - that is making a post in a thread, and then making another post right beneath your prior post. Just use that fancy 'edit' button and add in your next idea. Go ahead, try it!
  • Do not post email addresses, profile links, or phone numbers without sourcing them to a scam mail, fake site, or other verifiable evidence of scamming. The potential for abuse of non-scammers is too great. We're not saying that you would point other baiters towards an ex-significant whatever, cheating spouse, or that neighbor who never returned your power tools. We are saying that in the past, others have. Moderators reserve the right to remove un-sourced phone numbers, links, or email addresses, or just delete that particular post entirely (they're like your credit card company, lots of reserved rights).
  • Paranoia and complaints related to search engines grow every time a bait is rumbled, which leads to an increasingly overwhelming use of leeting to prevent any name from being found in a search. Please, to make it easier on everyone, take a moment before leeting a name to think about whether it really serves any purpose. Leeting is hard to read, especially for those who are dyslexic, non-native English users or vision-impaired and rely on text-to-speech software. If you do have good cause to leet (which is perhaps .0001% of the time), just change ONE character. Please don't write "P47r1(|{ J0n3$" when "Patrick J0nes" would be more than enough to obfuscate it. However, wouldn't it be much easier to just call the character "Patrick" and not leet at all?

What is absolutely not allowed
  • Duplicate accounts are not allowed. If you want to post something that you don't want to post with your main posting name on it, don't post it at all. Duplicate accounts will be banned without notice, upon discovery, and the main account will be given a warning.
  • We do not permit advertising of other websites or business interests, fund raising, or recruiting for other internet forums, whether baiter-related or not. Exceptions are made in rare circumstances. Please contact a Moderator or Admin for further information.
  • Hardcore Pornographic images are ABSOLUTELY not allowed. The odd breast or full frontal picture IF NECESSARY to the post is fine, but images of a very sexual nature will be removed immediately when found. Hardcore pornography is illegal in the UK (where this site is located) so please do not give someone an excuse to have this Board shut down.
  • Other shocking material, such as pictures of mutilation, death or other offensive non-sexual images are completely forbidden. Again, if your posts features anything over the top, it will be deleted. There are other forums for that kind of thing - feel free to visit if you must (please wash before returning, however).
  • Racist, homophobic, and other narrow-minded remarks or links to such sites or material are expressly forbidden. We will delete any remarks we consider offensive, and we make absolutely no apologies for doing so. This board is located and run from the UK where racism is (quite rightly) illegal, and it is our duty to make sure this Board is clear of such stuff. The people running this Board could possibly face prosecution for allowing it. Even if your remark/link is legal, we still don't allow it. Eater will not tolerate discrimination of ANY kind.
  • Do not post links to warez, hacker sites, or piracy. Like many of the above items, they are illegal. We would like this Board to stay open for the enjoyment of all our members.
  • We do not send links that cause people to lose control over their computers. We do not really care that it is "harmless", we just don't do it. We also do not discuss zoy, links to certain well-known excessively disgusting images (which will remain unnamed here), or any other things like this, regardless whether you feel the lads may deserve to be subjected to those types of images.
  • We do not support the sending of viruses, trojans, or any other malware to the scammers, nor attempts to hack, phish or hijack their email accounts and/or computers. This malware could be unknowingly spread to the computers of innocent people and we are only trying to make it difficult for the scammers. On top of that, the spreading of viruses and hacking attempts is an illegal activity in the UK, where this Board is located, as well as many other jurisdictions. Please do not start topics on such subjects. These threads will be deleted on sight.
  • We don't bait beggars. You may get emails just simply asking for money, there may or may not be a sob story attached. There are however no inheritances, pretend love or fraudulent 'fees' to pay.
  • We also do not bait 'spellcasters'. Belief in the occult is extremely strong in parts of western Africa, even among those who profess themselves to be followers of traditional faiths. It doesn't matter if you think their beliefs are bogus. If the person on the other end of that email does believe, and is willing to perform these spells or rituals, and he thinks he is getting paid for them, he just might do it. In that case, a baiter's encouragement has the potential to cause real harm to humans and/or animals. It is never a risk worth taking.
  • We do not involve innocent third parties (ITPs) in our baits. This means any real person or entity, regardless of your opinion of them, who has not consented to be involved in your bait. You may use contact information of confirmed advance fee fraud scammers such as we bait here, but do not use contact information for any other third party, including, but not limited to: police departments or other law enforcement agencies, hotline phone numbers, telemarketing companies, shady mortgage brokers, etc.
  • 419Eater has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY ON HARASSMENT, particularly for inappropriate and unwanted sexual harassment. The safety and security of our membership is our first concern and victimization and/or harassment will not be tolerated within the board environment any more than it would be outside it. If you encounter such behavior, or anything else that makes you feel uneasy, please report it to any Moderator via PM.

What happens when you get out of line?

It depends on the kind of violation you have committed. If it's the odd abusive post then we will edit or delete it (remember those reserved rights?). When one of your posts is deleted, you generally will be informed of it, unless it's something small like a double post or it's a very obvious violation of the forum rules. Persistent or grave offenders can be given the tag of 'WARNED' by an Admin or any of the Moderators. This tag, when given to you, serves as a final warning. Either improve your posting behaviour or face the consequences. The consequence can be to ban you from this Board or to suspend your account. WE DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO DO THIS.

When you are given such a tag, the Moderator who tagged you will leave a message in the thread or send you a Private Message explaining why you were tagged. Do not start new threads demanding explanations or removal of the tag. The tag will be removed after showing improved posting behaviour for some time. How long that time is depends on your posting behaviour and on the severity of the offense for which you were given the tag. If you feel your tag is undeserved, PM the Moderator in question, who will consider your request, however, Moderators may exercise their discretion as they see fit.

We can also opt to suspend your account. When you are suspended you can still access the Board as usual but your posting privileges are revoked. You can still send PM's, though, to work things out with a Moderator.

If you continue to break the rules, even after having received a final warning, we will have little choice but to ban you. If you posted anything highly illegal, we may even opt to report you to your ISP. Of course, if you are banned you may go for the option of re-registering under a different name and start your antics again, but then we will end up going around in a vicious circle of deleting and banning. Save yourself the trouble by being a good citizen and contributor to Eater.

Forum descriptions

  • Main Scambaiting Forum: This is the general forum for all things related to scambaiting.
  • General Chat: For all things non-related to scams and scambaiting.
  • Publish Your Work Here: Got a great scambait? Post it here so the other members can enjoy it and learn from it.
  • Scambaiting Help, Hints & Tips: Stuck in a bait? Afraid of reverse-baiters? Or do you need some technical advice from our more tech-savvy members? This is the right place to ask.
  • Pictures, Audio and Video: Post all your baiting related pictures and/or video here. Both the marvelous (or awful) trophies you get as the wonderful pics that you send to your favourite pet lad. We also keep a repository of passport and other stock images that scammers use.
  • Technical Related Questions, Problems & Requests for 419Eater Forum: If you are experiencing technical problems with the Board, or have a question on how to get about the forums, post your question here (or you can always PM a Mod or Admin).
  • Miscellaneous Scams: For the discussion of non-419 related scams you might run across.
  • Eater's Greatest Hits: Featuring the best of what 419Eater members have to offer.
  • Eater University: A read only forum for various baiting tutorials.

A few items of house-keeping for everyone here:

Freedom of Stupidity:-

Everyone may think that they are free to say what they want, but Rover and the Admin/Moderator team make the rules here, and what they say goes. There is no freedom of speech anywhere in any way, shape, or form. If you do say or post something and the Admins or Moderators disagree, then it's out. You are free to complain (hopefully intelligently and with an economy of words) or simply leave. No one is forcing you to be here.

For those who would choose to try and lecture or dictate to scambaiters about the morality of baiting:-
Here is an excellent FAQ in relation to this, it is located HERE. It is REQUIRED READING for all who do not fully understand the motivation or reasoning behind what scambaiters do.
We also encourage everyone to read the following link: http://forum.419eater.com/forum/monica This is a well documented series of email exchanges between a victim and scammer and, if anything, it should give all new members some idea of what us scambaiters deal with on a daily basis. This victim luckily is being assisted by the appropriate family services department now, but what the scammer did to her is inexcusable. Let me get this perfectly clear right now, this is only a mirror of the page; it was another scambaiter who uncovered this and made the emails available. All identifiable information in that story has been removed.

As with most other large forums, we have our fair share of trolls come and go here.

When we come across trollish behavior we will act as swiftly as possible. If you are a troll, expect to receive a polite warning to cease and desist. If you continue, then you can expect your posts and account to be suspended without notice.

Please do not feed the troll here at all, instead use the report this post to a Moderator feature. We really have seen it all before, and quickly grow weary of such juvenile behavior. There are far better places to wind people up.

Baiting for cash:- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
Due to the possible legal implications involved, but more importantly because the possible dangers posed to baiters, please note the Administrators and Moderators of 419Eater.com no longer permit any discussion relating to cash baits or methods of extracting money from scammers on this board. If you feel the need to discuss such matters, then please do so either by this board's Private Messaging system or by email - but be advised, we do not sanction or encourage such discussions and will play no part in the furtherance of cash-baiting.

Any public posts relating to cash baits or other methods relating to the extraction of money from scammers will be immediately locked or deleted.

Ancillary to the above:

I want to bait my lad into donating to a charity of my choice, can I?

Not on Eater.
It is effectively the same as cash baiting, except you aren't lining your own pockets. Additionally, the charity receiving the money is an Innocent Third Party (ITP) which neither asked nor consented to be involved in your bait. Lastly, you just don't have any control over the funding source of the donation, be it another victim, stolen credit cards or fraudulent/counterfeit money orders or checks.

And finally:

419Eater reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual who partakes in action directed at disrupting the operation of websites involved in scambaiting, 419 victim support, or anti-419 activities in general. Said action includes forum trolling, defamation of character of anti-419 website members, and similar activities.

419Eater further reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual who is known to be an active member of any organization or any website that promotes hate, prejudice, racism, social intolerance, defamation of character, etc.

These rules apply to those who actively participate in the action described above and to those who associate themselves with individuals who partake in such action, e.g. by active website membership.

Termination of membership in accordance with the above mentioned rules is subject to immediate action without prior notice.

While the Admins and Moderators of 419Eater strive to track and moderate 100% of the content on the Board, you should not assume that just because a post exists on a given topic, that it is endorsed by Rover, the Admins or Moderators. If something strikes you as odd, or even illegal, please contact us and ask the question. Once more, while we want to strike hard against the scammers, we do not condone illegal behavior. We adhere to the "Innocent Third Party Rule" - if your actions are likely to impact the welfare of an innocent third party, don't do it!

Other Baiting / Anti Fraud Sites / Victim advocacy sites

If you attack, harass or insult other baiting, anti-fraud and victim advocacy sites, or members of such sites, your account here will be banned.

Legal and Law Enforcement inquiries

*** All Legal and Law Enforcement inquiries should be directed by mail only to co-owner and general counsel as follows:

Okorie Okorocha
California Legal Team
117 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 465
Pasadena, Ca 91105


Welcome to Eater.
Updated 12 March, 2020 - Rover
Leeting updated 7 September, 2020 - bware


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